Lincoln School
Lincoln School serves students with special needs from Kindergarten through age 26. Students at Lincoln School have moderate to severe cognitive impairments, are severely multiply impaired, or have autism. Lincoln School is part of the Lincoln Campus continuum.
We educate students with complex needs by providing specialized instruction specific to the communication, academic, adaptive behavior, mobility, and adult living skills required to develop independence.
Core Skills
- Communication
- Functional Academics
- Adaptive Behavior
- Mobility
- Adult Living Skills
Mission Implementation
- We are committed to empowering students to reach their maximum potential through individualized, evidence-based practices.
- We are committed to every student having individualized and autonomous communication to encourage self-advocacy.
- We provide instructional and assistive technology to foster independence.
- We provide instruction to meet students’ post-secondary goals in the areas of independent living and employment.
- We utilize curriculum aligned to the MDE Essential Elements Academic Standards.
- We are committed to partnering with families and collaborating with community supports and agencies.
- We are committed to providing a safe and secure learning environment for all students.
- We are committed to improving outcomes for all students through continuous improvement and implementing a system of supports.
Lincoln School
860 Crahen Road NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49525
Office Staff